Friday, October 29, 2010

Мужчина избил учительницу на глазах у всего класса

Глубоко потрясен и гневно возмущен фактом жестокого избиения молодого специалиста, учительницы первого класса на глазах ее учеников. Преступник должен быть наказан по всей строгости закона. Он не заслуживает никакого снисхождения.
Я как учитель из штата Аризона, искренне выражаю Ольге Харитоновой свое сочувствие, поддержку и солидарность. Не уверен, что мои строки дойдут до нее, но очень хотел бы просить: не бросайте свою профессию не смотря на случившееся. Вы нужны школе, Вы нужны детям, Вы нужны России.
Ефим Викторович Тойбин
Финикс, Аризона
29 Октября, 2010 @ 20:30
Ниже привожу статью из российского источника.

Первоклассница случайно прикусила язык, а ее отчим решил наказать за это педагога
Василий КРАКОВЕЦ («КП» - Санкт-Петербург») — 30.10.2010

Преподаватель младших классов школы № 339 Петербурга Ольга Харитонова уже несколько дней находится на больничном. Ее жестоко избил отчим одной из учениц, бывший милиционер. Причем прямо в классе, на глазах у перепуганных детей. Так Андрей Петров отомстил педагогу за то, что девочка вернулась домой из школы с прикушенным языком.

- Учительница гуляла со своим классом на улице, - рассказал «КП» директор школы № 339 Олег Кузьмичев. - Дети резвились, и девочка случайно прикусила себе язык. Ее отправили в травмпункт, где медсестра обработала ранку. Ничего страшного не произошло.
А Ольга Харитонова получила сотрясение мозга и множество ушибов. По ее заявлению милиция уже возбудила уголовное дело. Максимальное наказание по ней - два года тюрьмы. «Героический подвиг» Андрея Петрова прекрасно видно на записях видеокамер, которые размещены в школе. Они засняли не только избиение учительницы, но и возвращение мужчины в школу в компании товарищей. К счастью, их никто не пропустил.

На следующий день после происшествия Ольга хотела написать заявление «по собственному».

- Но мы убедили ее не уходить, - говорит Олег Кузьмичев. - В жизни бывает всякое. Очень хочется, чтобы она осталась и не потеряла веру в педагогику...

Не знаем, как с педагогикой, а вот вера в людей у Ольги сильно пошатнулась...

Ольга Харитонова всего-то год проработала в школе...

US and Russian forces team up for Afghan drug bust.

I am publishing the article below describing a joint operation conducted by USA, Russia and Afghan forces. This historic and significant event promotes better understanding, mutual cooperation between the two great nations and multiplies their efforts in the ongoing war on drugs. Let this collaboration continue!

Yefim Toybin
October 29, 2010 @ 19:03

By KATHARINE HOURELD - Associated Press

KABUL, Afghanistan --

Russian counternarcotics agents teamed up with U.S. and Afghan forces in an unprecedented joint raid that destroyed nearly $56 million worth of heroin near the Pakistani border, officials said Friday.

The seizure of approximately 932 kilograms of heroin came less than a week after Russia's anti-narcotics chief accused the U.S. of failing to dismantle Afghan drug labs and slow down the flow of heroin into Russia.

The amount seized in Thursday's raid in Nangarhar province is unlikely to have a significant impact on Afghanistan's drug trade. The country produces enough raw opium to manufacture 360 tons of heroin a year, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime.

But the level of cooperation between U.S. and Russian forces was significant and suggested an improvement in relations between the former Cold War foes, two decades after U.S.-financed Afghan militias chased the Soviet military out of this country.

The two nations nowadays occasionally cooperate on terrorism and drug issues, but Moscow has offered only lukewarm support for the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan. So far, Russia has limited itself to providing its territory for U.S. military transit, turning down requests to provide helicopters and training for pilots or to train counter-narcotics police.

Nevertheless, the export of Afghan drugs is an issue of paramount concern to Russia, which now has 2 million opium and heroin addicts. Moscow had been urging the U.S. military to take action against Afghan drug labs, which process unrefined opium into heroin or morphine.

Nine helicopters and 70 men were involved in the raid, said Russian anti-narcotics chief Viktor Ivanov, adding that his agency told the U.S. where the labs were located.

Ivanov said four Russians were involved in the raid, and that Russia may increase the number of its drug agents in Afghanistan in the future.

Photos shot at the scene and provided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency show men in military uniform carrying metal canisters across a dusty gray moonscape. The drab landscape is broken only by the occasional tree. Stacks of brown sacks lie near basins with white residue and oil drums painted black.

An Afghan official said the labs were in a narrow valley high up in the mountains. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

Four labs were shut down in the operation, which involved three branches of Afghan law enforcement as well as NATO, the U.S. and the Russians, said U.S. embassy spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden in Kabul. A DEA press release said the raid originally targeted one lab but then found three others hidden by vegetation.

In addition to the 932 kilograms of heroin, agents seized 156 kilograms of opium in the raid in the village of Zerasari, part of the district of Achin. It takes about 10 tons of opium to make one ton of heroin.

U.S. officials said the heroin had a street value of $55.9 million. Ivanov gave much higher figures: He was quoted by Russian media as saying the seized drugs were worth at least $250 million and probably even up to $1 billion.

Last weekend Ivanov used an interview with The Associated Press to criticize the U.S. for not taking action to stem a flow of Afghan heroin into Russia. He said that months ago he provided U.S. officials in Kabul with the coordinates of 175 laboratories where heroin is processed but that the U.S. failed to act.

In the interview, he said American officials had told him they were awaiting U.S. military approval to raid the labs.

On Friday, a senior Russian lawmaker hailed the drug bust. Mikhail Margelov, the Kremlin-connected head of the foreign affairs committee in the upper house of Russian parliament, said it showed that efforts to reset U.S.-Russian relations are finally being backed by real action.

Analysts said it will take fundamental reforms rather than just drug busts to shut down Afghanistan's multibillion dollar drug industry. U.S. officials have argued that destruction of poppy fields would drive Afghan farmers who had no other employment into the arms of the Taliban.

One fundamental problem are links between drug networks and officials in the Afghan government, rated the second most corrupt in the world.

"A broad range of authoritative international sources indicates these networks are at times aided by Afghan government officials who are little bothered by the Western-led counternarcotics efforts," analyst George Gavrilis argued earlier this year in a paper for the Council on Foreign Relations.

"Afghanistan's drug industry remains intact and very likely to undermine new anti-corruption efforts by international donors and agencies," wrote Gavrilis, an assistant professor of international relations at the University of Texas at Austin.


Associated Press writers Kathy Gannon in Kabul, Michael J. Sniffen in Washington and David Nowak and Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed to this story.

AP Photo - FILE - In this July 26, 2010 file photo, Viktor Ivanov, head of the Russian anti-narcotics agency speaks at a news conference in Moscow. Ivanov said his agency cooperated closely with U.S. counterparts to organize a drug bust in Afghanistan, which ended Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010 and destroyed 932 kilograms (2,050 pounds) of heroin and 156 kilograms (340 pounds) of opium worth an estimated $250 million.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yasha From Russia Delicatessen - Место Встречи Изменить Нельзя

By Yefim Toybin
October 27, 2010 @ 20:50

Удобно расположенный вблизи скоростного шоссе № 51 и Шей бульвара, на одной из самых оживленных улиц города Финикс, в большом и просторном, отдельно стоящим здании, с огромной стоянкой находится русский магазин “Yasha from Russia”
Хозяева магазина Яша и Татьяна Гадаевы рассказали, что названию магазина столько же лет, сколько Яков Гадаев ведет бизнес – 17 лет, десять из которых- в Аризоне.
За прошедшие годы, магазин стал самым посещаемым, он превратился в культурно-информационный центр – место где люди могут встретиться, пообщаться, обсудить вопросы, взять газеты и ознакомиться с новыми объявлениями о происходящих в городе событиях и мероприятиях.
В этом магазине, кроме продуктов, также можно купить сувениры, книги, поздравительные открытки, кассеты и диски. Имеется, к услугам покупателей, и небольшой аптечный отдел с набором самых необходимых лекарств.
Говоря о планах на будущее, я узнал, что магазин планирует организацию русского базара, где люди смогут продавать, покупать товары и услуги.
7 Ноября с 8 утра до 5 вечера будет проводится первое мероприятия такого масштаба - Большой Птичий Базар. Организаторы мероприятия обещают бесплатный вход, стоянку и угощение. Полная информация по тел. 480- 607-4950 (Эдик)
В конце интервью, я спросил о пожеланиях русско-язычному сообществу. «Хотелось, чтобы мы все были более дружными и сплоченными», последовал ответ.
Координаты и часы работы:
Yasha From Russia Delicatessen
10240 N. 32nd St. (west of 51 Freeway, south of Shea)
Phoenix AZ 85028-3823
602-347-6055 Free Delivery
Owner: Yakov Gadaev
Hours: Mon: Sat 9 am-8 pm,
Sun: 9 am-5 pm.

Electronically translated.

Yasha From Russia Delicatessen - All Roads Lead To Rome
Conveniently located near to high-speed highway 51 and Necks of parkway, on one of the busiest streets of the city of Phoenix, in big a spacious building, with huge parking lot, there is a Russian store “ Yasha from Russia ”
Owners of shop Yasha and Tatyana Gadaevy have said, that the name of shop is as old as Jacob Gadaev has been doing business – 17 years, ten of them - in Arizona.
For the past several years, the store has steadily became not just the most visited place, it has turned out to be also a cultural-information center – place where people can meet, communicate, get newspapers and familiarize with new announcements of events occurring in city.
In this shop, except for products, also it is possible to buy souvenirs, books, congratulatory cards, cartridges and disks. There is also a small pharmacy department available with a set of the most necessary medicines.
Speaking about plans for the future, I have learned, that the store plans the organization of Russian market where people can sell, buy goods and services.
On November, 7th from 8 mornings till 5 evenings will be the first action of such scale - the Big Bird's Market. Organizers of action promise free entrance, parking, food and drinks. For complete info, please call: 480 607-4950 (Eddie)
In the end of the interview, I have asked about wishes for the Russian-speaking community. « It would be desirable, that all of us were more amicable and rallied », the answer has followed.
Coordinates and business hours:
Yasha From Russia Delicatessen
10240 N. 32nd St. (west of 51 Freeway, south of Shea)
Phoenix AZ 85028-3823
602-347-6055 Free Delivery
Owner: Yakov Gadaev
Hours: Mon: Sat 9 am-8 pm,
Sun: 9 am-5 pm.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Beautiful World in Awesome Photos.

I wish these remarkable photos will bring your mood up and make your day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Триумф российской школы спортивной гимнастики. Russian women win team event at gymnastic worlds.

By Yefim Toybin
October 25, 2010 @ 20:37

Триумф российской школы спортивной гимнастики. Десятиклассница, Алия Мустафина, вернула достоинство и престиж российской гимнастике.
В воскресенье, 24 Октября 2010 г., в голландском Роттердаме завершился чемпионат мира. Сборная России заняла второе место в общекомандном зачёте, завоевав шесть медалей — две золотые и четыре серебряные. Победу одержала команда Китая, в активе которой 9 наград (4+3+2). Третье место заняли американцы с шестью медалями (1+2+3). Длее расположились команды Японии — 4 (1+2+1), Великобритании — 3 (1+1+1) и Румынии — 2 (1+1+0).
Алия Мустафина - дочь бронзовогоу призера Олимпиады-1976 по греко-римской борьбе Фархада Мустафина, стала героиней чемпионата мира. Благодаря ее классному выступлению, женская сборная России впервые с 1991 года победила в командных соревнованиях, а сама, Алия, с громадным преимуществом выигравшая золотую медаль в многоборье, стала двукратной чемпионкой мира. Я, из далекого по расстоянию, но близкого по духу штата Аризона, сердечно и искренне поздравляюет национальную Сборную России по спортивной гимнастике, всех ее участников и тренеров, боллеьщиков и специалистов с великолепным и триумфальным выступлением на Чемпионате Мира. Так дердать. Желаю команде хорошо подготовиться и сильно выступить на Олимпийских Играх в Лондоне.

Russian Women Win First World Team Title, 2010 World Gymnastics

16-year-old Aliya Mustafina led Russia’s team to the winning gold at the World Gymnastics Championships in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Wednesday Oct. 20, 2010 ahead of the United States and Olympic champion China.
With less than two years until the 2012 Summer Olympics, all-around champions Aliya Mustafina of Russia and Kohei Uchimura of Japan established themselves as the favorites for the London Games. Both, Mustafina, Uchimura set standard at the World Gymnastic Championship.
The 16-year-old Mustafina, in her first year of eligibility for major competitions, won two gold and three silvers in six events at the world championships, a stunning arrival on the international scene that highlighted Russia's return as a top power after several lean years.
It appeared as if Mustafina would become the first woman since Romania's Daniela Silivas at the 1988 Olympics to get six medals from six events, but the grind of competing caught up with her on the beam Sunday.

Additional Sources: local, national, international press releases.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Expansive Hoover Dam Bridge Opens

By Yefim Toybin
October 18 @ 19:10

Самое большое технологическое достижение Америки, Дамба Хувера, дополнилось еще одним великолепным чудом - Мостом-Мемориалом имени Майка О'Коллаган и Пэта Тиллман. Мост, стоимостью 240 миллионов долларов и длинной около 633 метров, строили 1200 рабочих и 300 инженеров.
По высоте, эта, уникальная во всех отношениях, конструкция занимает седьмое место в мире.
Новый, обходной, двух-полосный мост, который открывается в Октябре и соединит штаты Аризона и Невада, возведен над огромной пропастью на высоте около 300 метров над уровнем реки Колорадо!!! Это грандиозное сооружение поддерживается самой длинной аркой в Западном Полушарии. Ввод в эксплуатацию данного обьекта значительно улучшит и облегчит транспортное сообщение между двумя соседними штатами и, возможно, привлечет больше туристов.

America's greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has a soaring companion piece, a massive looming bridge held up by the longest arch in the Western Hemisphere.

The Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, which opened this month and connects the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, spans the vast chasm 890 feet above the Colorado River that is controlled by the dam.

The striking 1,900-foot-long structure, which reroutes traffic off of the two-lane road atop the dam, will improve traffic in the region and help protect the dam from terrorist threats, officials said.

It is the seventh highest bridge in the world, behind four in China, one in Papua New Guinea and one in Colorado.

"The Hoover Dam is the greatest civil engineering achievement in America's history," said bypass bridge project manager Dave Zanatell with the Federal Highway Administration.

"Our goal was not to outdo or outshine it. Our goal was to, in a respectful way, do something that would be great for our generation and that would stand besides Hoover Dam in a respectful and quality way that would become a part of Hoover's legacy."

The $240 million bridge was built in five years by 1,200 laborers and 300 engineers.

It could not have arrived at a better moment for a nation and region whose psyche has been pummeled by a prolonged, devastating recession.

Just as the Hoover Dam was built in the heart of the Great Depression and was seen as an example of the nation's can-do spirit, some hope this project can provide some uplift.

The dam and bridge are "two engineering wonders constructed at times when our country was looking at itself and wondering what the future held," said Colleen Dwyer of the Bureau of Reclamation, which manages the dam.

"We're looking at what can be done even at these worst of times to make these wonderful structures come to be, to create something new and different which enables America to keep moving ahead. That's the parallel."

The bridge's dimensions are staggering: at 1,050 feet, its support arch is the longest arch in the Western Hemisphere, holding up a roadway that leans on 300-foot-long concrete pillars, some of the tallest in the world.

It contains 16 million pounds of steel, 30,000 cubic yards of concrete and two million feet of cable.

The idea of the bridge originated in the 1960s because the top of the Hoover Dam has been a narrow two-lane road that is the fastest route from Arizona to Las Vegas and then the Pacific Northwest and Canada.

Access to the dam from each direction is a treacherously winding route, but massive semi-trucks and passenger vehicles shared and navigated it for decades.

During the day, when thousands of tourists flock to the dam from Las Vegas, about 30 miles away, the interaction between traffic and pedestrians has been resulted in three times as many accidents as on a normal road, Zanatell said.

After the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the federal government feared a terrorist with a truck bomb could attack the dam, potentially flooding the region and disrupting water and power supplies to several states.

Semi-trucks were banned from bridge, forced to take route to Las Vegas that is more than 40 miles longer.

In addition to driving on it, tourists will be able to park in a designated lot on the Nevada side and climb stairs to walk the bridge, which has a sidewalk on the side facing the dam.

The retaining wall is 54 inches high, so pedestrians can snap photos from a spectacular vantage point.

"It makes me feel good as an American," said Jerry Couden, a residential general contractor from Milford, Conn., who, like millions of Vegas tourists each year, made the 30 miles drive southeast.

"Look what we did then (building the dam) and now look at what this is. It's a tremendous feat. It is cool to see."

- National, International publications.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Russian America: FBI Busts 11 Russian "Hackers". Киберхищение: семьдесят миллионов долларов украли без взлома

By Yefim Toybin
October 17, 2010 @ 22:31

Еще одно громкое дело с участием граждан России и ряда стран СНГ потрясло жителей США. Хотелось бы верить, что прогрессивная русско-язычная общественность глубоко перживает резкий рост преступных деяний с участием русско-язычных жителей и не останется равнодушой к данной теме.
По данным на 17 октября, в США по делу о киберхищении более 70 миллионов долларов из американских банков, в результате специально проведенной ФБР операции на территории Соединенных Штатов, Великобритании, Украины и Нидерландов арестованы 20 человек. Еще несколько человек планируется арестовать в ближайшее время. Если вину докажут, им грозит до 30 лет тюрьмы и до миллиона долларов штрафа.
ФБР уточняет, что в схеме хищения миллионов из американских банков путем электронного мошенничества участввовали граждане России, и на сегодняшний день по обвинению в кибер-краже задержано 11 россиян.
По заявлению ФБР, это одно из самых крупных кибер уголовных дел когда-либо расследованных.
Кибер-воры были умные. Вместо кражи денег из больших корпораций и крупных банков, которые обладают современными средствами онлайн-безопасности, они снимали деньги со счетов средних предприятий, небольших городов, и даже церквей.
В прокуратуре предполагают, что если вина подозреваемых будет доказана, то им грозит наказание в виде тюремного заключения на срок от 10 до 30 лет, плюс штраф от четверти до миллиона долларов. Агенты ФБР поясняют: в результате схемы, в которой арестованные лишь посредники, получавшие вознаграждение не более 10 процентов от суммы, группе кибермошенников из Восточной Европы удалось похитить из пяти американских банков миллионы долларов.

В ФБР рассказывают, как работала схема снятия денег: жертвы получают по электронной почте сообщения с вирусом "Зевс Троян", открывают ссылку или файл, после чего программа получает доступ к паролям банковских счетов. Финальный аккорд - перевести деньги на счета третьих лиц и забрать их из банка. Тем, кто лично отправляется в банк получать деньги, не больше 26 лет, а младшему из них -20. Именно они и предстанут перед американским судом.
Но помимо фактических и потенциальных денежные потерь, это дело является исключительно важным из-за экстраординарного уровня сотрудничества и кооперации между международными правоохранительными органами по пресечению деятельности этой группы. И это также предупреждение для хакеров по всему миру, что у них остается все меньше убежищ, из которых они могут работать.
"Есть много проблем в сложных глобальных ситуациях, как эта," сказал Уэйсан Дан, специальный агент, директор офиса в Омахе, где началось расследование в мае 2009 года, когда агенты обнаружили документ о подозрительных банковских операций.
Он добавил, что "международное терпимость для этого вида преступной деятельности снижается. Наши партнеры за рубежом ведут борьбу с киберпреступностью более активно и эффективно, чем когда-либо прежде. Сотрудничество ряда стран, которые работали в партнерстве с Бюро по этому большому и важному делу, является очень важным шагом на пути по расследованию этих преступлений".

Cyber Banking Fraud
October 1, 2010
The cyber thieves were smart. Instead of targeting corporations and large banks that had state-of-the-art online security, they went after the accounts of medium-sized companies, towns, and even churches. Before they were caught, members of the theft ring managed to steal $70 million.
On October 1, 2010, with our law enforcement partners in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and the Netherlands, we announce the execution of numerous arrests and search warrants in multiple countries in one of the largest cyber criminal cases we have ever investigated.
“This was a major theft ring,” said Gordon Snow, assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division. “Global criminal activity on this scale is a threat to our financial infrastructure, and it can only be effectively countered through the kind of international cooperation we have seen in this case.”
Using a Trojan horse virus known as Zeus, hackers in Eastern Europe infected computers around the world. The virus was carried in an e-mail, and when targeted individuals at businesses and municipalities opened the e-mail, the malicious software installed itself on the victimized computer, secretly capturing passwords, account numbers, and other data used to log into online banking accounts.
The hackers used this information to take over the victims’ bank accounts and make unauthorized transfers of thousands of dollars at a time, often routing the funds to other accounts controlled by a network of “money mules.” Many of the U.S. money mules were recruited from overseas. They created bank accounts using fake documents and phony names. Once the money was in their accounts, the mules could either wire it back to their bosses in Eastern Europe, or turn it into cash and smuggle it out of the country. For their work, they were paid a commission.
Yesterday, our New York office arrested 10 subjects related to the case, and we are seeking 17 others. Those arrested are charged with using hundreds of false-name bank accounts to receive more than $3 million from victimized accounts.
In all, the global theft ring attempted to steal some $220 million, and was actively involved in using Zeus to infect more computers. But beyond the actual and potential monetary loss, this case is significant because of the extraordinary level of cooperation among international law enforcement to stop the group. And it also sends a message to hackers around the world that there are fewer safe havens from which they can operate.
“There are many challenges in a complicated global case like this one,” said Weysan Dun, special agent in charge of our Omaha office, where the investigation began in May 2009 when agents discovered a pattern of suspicious banking transactions. “With multiple countries involved, there are differences in times zones, geography, and culture, not to mention that all our cyber laws are not the same. “But those differences were overcome,” Dun said, “and the results speak for themselves.”
He added, “The international tolerance for this kind of criminal activity is decreasing. Our partners overseas are dealing more aggressively and effectively with cybercrime than ever before. The number of nations that collaborated and worked in partnership with the Bureau on this case represents a very significant step forward in the way we investigate these cases.”
The FBI wanted poster looks like a yearbook page from a Russian provincial college. Seventeen men and women from Eastern Europe, mostly between the ages of 19 and 22, with bad skin, nerdy haircuts and no resemblance to your stereotypical bank robbers. But in the past two years, this ring of hackers was allegedly able to steal tens of millions of dollars from small businesses in the U.S. The arrests of 39 of their operatives in the U.S. last week is being touted by the FBI as one of the biggest busts in the history of cybercrime.
Russian and Moldovan nationals who had mostly entered the U.S. on student visas were recruited to set up hundreds of bank accounts in the U.S. under fake names — among them were "Fortune Binot" and "Bazil Kozloff" — and slowly withdraw the cash that had been illegally transferred into those dummy accounts. In total, they stole some $70 million before they were caught; the gang had attempted to steal $220 million in total mostly from accounts of medium-sized companies, towns and even churches, the FBI said in a statement on Oct. 1.
Kristina Svechinskaya (photos above))is one of nine people arrested Oct 1 in connection with a series of cyber bank robberies involving more than 80 defendants. Long story short, a group of co-ed Eastern European hackers installed the, nicknamed, Zeus Trojan within 5 banks that infiltrated and stole private account information. Kristina was one of the "mules" that assisted in opening multiple bank account to route the stolen loot.
Aleks Gostev, the chief security expert at Kaspersky Lab, Russia’s leading cybersecurity firm says, “The secret services of many countries need to be involved, including agents in the former Soviet states, where these crimes usually originate.” On this front, the FBI investigation made public last week was a breakthrough: the Ukrainian secret police, known as the SBU, worked closely with the FBI, and five suspects were detained in Ukraine last week. But the Russian government does not appear to have been too helpful, even though most of the suspects on the FBI indictment were listed as Russian nationals. On Oct. 1, after the FBI informed the Russian Foreign Ministry of the arrests, Moscow’s vice consul in New York City warned that the consulate general might file an official complaint if it turns out that Russians were arrested without following diplomatic protocol. No mention has been made of the two sides working together on this case.
In the past, however, there have been cases of cooperation between the U.S. and Russia on issues of cybercrime, notably when the U.S. indicted a Russian hacker for stealing some $9 million from the U.S. division of the Royal Bank of Scotland in 2006. But last month a Russian court gave that cyberthief a suspended sentence, underscoring the widely held belief that Russia remains a kind of safe zone for hackers. This reputation comes largely thanks to Russia's faulty legislation against cybercriminals and a lack of understanding of their crimes, which normally target banks and institutions in the West, not in Russia, making them less of a concern for local law enforcement. (For instance, Hacker Magazine, despite Russia's strict laws controlling the media, published a story in August explaining how to crack the NATO website, with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.)
Alexey Salnikov, deputy head of Moscow State University's Institute on the Problems of Information Security, which advises the government on cybercrime, says the main problem is in the hackers' anonymity. "There is no scientific basis for establishing the authorship of these crimes," he says. "When the attack comes from one country, the victim is in another and the stolen money is in a third, how do you solve the crime when every country has completely different laws?" This seems to be the central question, and if last week's bust proves anything, it is that global law enforcement has only begun to answer it. So the next time Russian hackers are caught siphoning millions from American accounts, it seems likely that the FBI will again be chasing mules.
Moscow is keeping an eagle eye on the situation surrounding 19 Russian hackers who were earlier detained by US special services and currently face charges of money laundering in the United States.
A statement to this effect was made on Oct 14, 2010 by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Andrei Nesterenko, who added that the US-based Russian diplomats are currently discussing the topic with US law enforcement agencies.
He also said that all the 19 detainees are allowed to use the Internet and cell phones to communicate with their relatives.
FBI Source:
The Cases
The cases announced today are described in greater detail below. The charges against each defendant and the corresponding maximum potential penalties are below.
United States v. Artem Tsygankov, et al.
Four defendants are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents. In addition, two of the defendants—MAXIM PANFEROV and KRISTINA IZVEKOVA—are each charged with one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, the defendants are Russian nationals who were members of the money mule organization that was responsible for retrieving the proceeds of the Zeus Trojan virus attack and transporting or transferring the money overseas. The Complaint alleges that ARTEM TSYGANKOV was a leader of the mule organization, who recruited mules and managed their activities, such as instructing the mules to withdraw the proceeds of fraudulent wire transfers to the mules’ accounts.
SOFIA DIKOVA is alleged to have been both the individual who obtained the fake passports for the mule organization and also served herself as a mule. DIKOVA opened at least one account at Chase Bank into which $14,500 was wired from a victim’s account at Total Bank and from which DIKOVA withdrew over $12,000. A false Yugoslavian passport for an individual named "Vesna Jelkovic," but which bore DIKOVA’s photograph, was intercepted at Newark Liberty International Airport by agents with the Department of Homeland Security in a shipment of false passports in January 2010.
The Complaint further alleges that MAXIM PANFEROV and KRISTINA IZVEKOVA were two mules in the same mule organization. PANFEROV allegedly opened at least four accounts at TD Bank with false foreign passports under the aliases "Vytautus Norkes," "Arturas Nastajus," "Maxim Demis," and "Andris Porkes," into which nearly $30,000 was wired fraudulently and from which PANFEROV withdrew approximately $23,000.
United States v. Artem Semenov, et al.
Four defendants are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents. In addition, two of the defendants—ARTEM SEMENOV and ALMIRA RAKMATULINA—are each charged with one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, ARTEM SEMENOV, ALMIRA RAKMATULINA, and JULIA SHPIRKO are Russian nationals who all applied for and received J1 Visas to enter the United States. SEMENOV received a J1 visa in 2009 that was valid until September 30, 2009, but has not left the United States. RAKMATULINA and SHPIRKO received visas that were valid from May 2010 through October 1, 2010.
As alleged in the Complaint, ARTEM SEMENOV is an experienced money mule who recruited RAKMATULINA and SHPIRKO to be mules and thereafter managed their activities by, among other things, transporting them between banks to withdraw money that had been fraudulently transferred into their accounts. According to the Complaint, SEMENOV was arrested in December 2009 by the New York City Police Department while attempting to open an account in a false name at a Bank of America Branch in Manhattan.
Following his arraignment on state charges of identity theft and possession of a forged instrument, SEMENOV was released on bail, absconded, and, just four days later, opened an account under a different false name at another bank. The Complaint alleges that SEMENOV opened at least seven accounts at TD Bank and Bank of America under at least six aliases: "Valentin Kulakov," "Alexey Michinnik," "Arvind Shah," "Fred Teschemacher," "Tokin Waaran," and "David Warren." According to the Complaint, approximately $70,000 from the accounts of five different victims was fraudulently wired into the accounts SEMENOV opened, out of which SEMENOV withdrew at least $28,000 before the accounts were closed by the banks.
According to the Complaint, RAKMATULINA and SHPIRKO were recruited by SEMENOV. RAKMATULINA has allegedly opened four accounts under two different aliases, into which approximately $30,000 from the accounts of two different victims was fraudulently transferred and from which RAKMATULINA succeeded in withdrawing approximately $20,000.
United States v. Maxim Miroshnichenko, et al.
MAXIM MIROSHNICHENKO and JULIA SIDORENKO are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents. In addition, SIDORENKO is charged with one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, MIROSHNICHENKO and SIDORENKO are Russian nationals who were recruited to join a money mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. MIROSHNICHENKO has allegedly opened at least five accounts under his own name and under the alias "Petr Iankov" at TD Bank, Chase Bank, Bank of America, and Wachovia, as well as four accounts under two different aliases, into which approximately $12,000 was fraudulently wired from the account of one victim and from which the same amount was withdrawn. SIDORENKO allegedly opened eight accounts at the same four banks under the names "Mariana Fedorova" and "Svetlana Kapralova."
United States v. Marina Oprea, et al.
Four defendants are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents.
According to the complaint, the four defendants—MARINA OPREA, CATALINA CORTAC, ION VOLOSCIUC, and LILIAN ADAM are all citizens from the Republic of Moldova who spent the past summer in the United States. While here, they were all recruited into the same money mule organization. OPREA allegedly opened at least six accounts under her own name, under two aliases, and under the business name "Marina Trade Center LLC," into which over $250,000 from four victims, including a municipality in New Jersey, was fraudulently deposited, and from which approximately $15,000 was successfully withdrawn. CORTAC allegedly opened at least four accounts under her own name and under two aliases, into which approximately $14,570 was fraudulently wired from a victim’s bank account, and from which approximately $10,000 was withdrawn. VOLOSCIUC allegedly opened at least four accounts under his own name and under two aliases, into which approximately $14,700 was fraudulently wired from a victim’s bank account, and from which approximately $14,676 was withdrawn. ADAM allegedly opened at least three accounts under his own name and under one alias, into which approximately $14,620 was fraudulently wired from a victim’s bank account, and from which approximately $7,900 was withdrawn.
United States v. Kristina Svechinskaya, et al.
KRISTINA SVECHINSKAYA and STANISLAV RASTORGUEV are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of false use of passports. According to the Complaint, SVECHINSKAYA and RASTORGUEV are Russian nationals who were recruited to join a mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. SVECHINSKAYA has allegedly opened at least five accounts under her own name and under the aliases "Anastasia Opokina" and "Svetlana Makarova" at Bank of America and Wachovia, into which over $35,000 was fraudulently deposited, affecting three victims, and from which approximately $11,000 was successfully withdrawn. RASTORGUEV has allegedly opened at least two accounts under the alias "Petr Rubashkin" at Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase, into which over $38,000 was fraudulently deposited, from two victims, and from which approximately $15,500 was successfully withdrawn. United States v. Margarita Pakhomova
MARGARITA PAKHOMOVA is charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, PAKHOMOVA is a Russian national who was recruited to join a mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. PAKHOMOVA has allegedly opened at least eleven accounts under the aliases "Ritta Kostos," "Ritta Brown," "Elena Fillimonova," and "Alla Borisova" at TD Bank, Bank of America, and Wachovia, into which over $80,000 was fraudulently deposited, from eight victims, and from which approximately $54,700 was successfully withdrawn.
United States v. Ilya Karasev
ILYA KARASEV is charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud, one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents, and one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, KARASEV is a Russian national who was recruited to join a money mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. KARASEV has allegedly opened at least nine accounts under the aliases "Goran Dobric," "Alexis Herris," "Fransoise Lewenstadd," "Fortune Binot," and "Diman Karasev" at TD Bank, Bank of America, and J.P. Morgan Chase, into which over $80,000 was fraudulently deposited, affecting seven victims, and from which approximately $56,100 was successfully withdrawn.
United States v. Marina Misyura
MARINA MISYURA is charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud, one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents, and one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, MISYURA is a Russian national who was recruited to join a money mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. MISYURA has allegedly opened at least four accounts under the aliases "Sibilla Moller," "Valeri Puigrinier" and "Ana Tiraksa" at TD Bank and Bank of America, into which over $21,000 was fraudulently deposited, from two victims, and from which approximately $20,400 was successfully withdrawn. United States v. Nikolai Garifulin, et al.
NIKOLAI GARIFULIN and DMITRY SAPRUNOV are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud. In addition, SAPRUNOV is charged with one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, GARIFULIN and SAPRUNOV are Russian nationals who were recruited to join a money mule organization that had over two dozen participants and had contacts with computer hackers and individuals who could provide fake passports. GARIFULIN, who is also known as “Robert,” has, among other things, allegedly been involving in transporting approximately $150,000 from the United States to Russia to pay these computer hackers. SAPRUNOV has allegedly opened at least four accounts under the aliases "Lean Marc Garrot" and "Bazil Kozloff" at TD Bank and Bank of America, into which over $38,000 was fraudulently deposited, from four victims, and from which approximately $13,940 was successfully withdrawn.
United States v. Dorin Codreanu
DORIN CODREANU is charged in a one-count Complaint with conspiracy to commit bank fraud.
According to the Complaint, CODREANU is a Moldovan national who is a money mule who also recruited and managed other mules. As alleged in the Complaint, CODREANU recruited two mules into the organization, explaining, among other things, that mules keep ten percent of the money they withdraw. CODREANU also provided the mules with fake foreign passports. In addition, CODREANU opened at least two accounts in connection with the mule organization, including an account in the fake business name of "Key Marius Import LLC."
United States v. Victoria Opinca, et al.
VICTORIA OPINCA and ALINA TURUTA are charged in a Complaint with one count of bank fraud.
According to the Complaint, OPINCA and TURUTA are Moldovan nationals who were money mules. OPINCA allegedly opened at least five accounts at three different banks and received approximately $25,000 in fraudulent wire transfers. TURUTA allegedly opened at least four accounts at three different banks and received approximately $12,380 in fraudulent wire transfers.
United States v. Alexander Kireev
ALEXANDER KIREEV is charged in a Complaint with one count of money laundering.
According to the Complaint, KIREEV is a money mule who opened three accounts at three different banks, into which over $100,000 in fraudulent wire transfers were deposited from the accounts of four victims, including a municipal entity in Massachusetts.
United States v. Kasum Adigyuzelov
KASUM ADIGYUZELOV is charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of transferring false identification documents.
According to the Complaint, ADIGYUZELOV is a Russian national who recruited and managed money mules. Among other things, ADIGYUZELOV is alleged to have placed advertisements on a Russian language websites seeking students with a J-1 visa; described the money mules’ role to prospective mules; obtained fake passports for the mules; and driven the mules to and from banks to withdraw the proceeds of fraudulent wire transfers.
United States v. Sabina Rafikova
SABINA RAFIKOVA is charged in a Complaint with one count of bank fraud, one count of production of false identification documents, and one count of possession of false immigration documents.
According to the Complaint, RAFIKOVA is a Russian national and money mule who initially arrived in the United States on a J1 visa. RAFIKOVA alleged opened three accounts at two different banks using two fake identities and received approximately $25,000 in fraudulent wire transfers.
United States v. Konstantin Akobirov
KONSTANTIN AKOBIROV is charged in a Complaint with one count of bank fraud and with one count of false use of a passport.
According to the Complaint, AKOBIROV is a money mule who, using a false name, opened three accounts at three different banks into one of which approximately $14,150 was fraudulently transferred.
United States v. Adel Gataullin
ADEL GATAULLIN is charged in a Complaint with one count of bank fraud, one count of possession of false identification documents and one count of false use of passports. According to the Complaint, GATAULLIN is a Russian national who allegedly opened eight accounts at three different banks using five aliases. In January 2010, the account held by a hospital at a California bank was compromised, resulting in wire transfers of a total of approximately $130,000 being send to various accounts, including approximately $35,000 which was transferred to three of the accounts opened by GATAULLIN.
United States v. Ruslan Kovtanyuk
RUSLAN KOVTANYUK is charged in a Complaint with one count of bank fraud and one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, KOVTANYUK is a Russian national who was both a money mule and a manager of other mules. KOVTANYUK allegedly opened at least six accounts at four different banks using three aliases, into which a total of approximately $86,000 in fraudulent wire transfers were deposited.
United States v. Yulia Klepikova, et al.
YULIA KLEPIKOVA and NATALIA DEMINA are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to possess false identification documents. In addition, KLEPIKOVA is charged with one count of false use of passports.
According to the Complaint, KLEPIKOVA and DEMINA are Russian nationals who were recruited into a money mule organization. KLEPIKOVA allegedly opened at least seven accounts at two different banks using five aliases, into which a total of approximately $42,375 in fraudulent wire transfers were deposited. DEMINA allegedly opened at least four accounts at two different banks using five aliases, into which a total of approximately $28,000 in fraudulent wire transfers were deposited.
United States v. Alexandr Sorokin
ALEXANDR SOROKIN is charged in a one-count Information with money laundering.
According to a previously-filed Complaint, in the early fall of 2009, SOROKIN, a Russian national, was recruited online to be a money mule. He thereafter opened an account in the name “Ashwin Patel,” into which a wire transfer of $8,000 was fraudulently deposited.
United States v. Alexander Fedorov
ALEXANDER FEDOROV is charged in a one-count Information with conspiracy to commit bank fraud. According to a previously-filed Complaint, FEDOROV is a Russian national who was based in Los Angeles, California, where he coordinated the activities of money mules through Russian social networking websites.
United States v. Anton Yuferitsyn
ANTON YUFERITSYN is charged in a one-count Information with conspiracy to commit bank fraud.
According to a previously-filed Complaint, YUFERITSYN is a Russian national who managed at least one other money mule.
United States v. Jamal Beyrouti, et al.
Three defendants are charged in a Complaint with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to launder the proceeds of wire fraud.
According to the Complaint, the defendants were members of a money mule organization that was responsible for retrieving the proceeds of breaches of brokerage accounts at E*Trade Financial Corporation and TD Ameritrade, Inc., that had been electronically breached. One or more hackers either executed unauthorized sales of securities in the hacked accounts, linked the hacked accounts to shell company accounts, then transferred funds from the sale of securities to the shell accounts, or directly transferred cash in the hacked accounts to shell accounts. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the victim account holders experienced continuous calls to the phone numbers registered with their account profiles that, when picked up, were either silent or played a recorded message to prevent the brokerage firms from confirming the transactions.
According to the Complaint, JAMAL BEYROUTI, LORENZO BABBO, and VINCENZO VITELLO, each opened accounts in the name of shell companies that received the funds from certain of the hacked accounts. In total, the defendants’ shell accounts received approximately $1.2 million in stolen funds. The defendants then directly wire transferred the funds to bank accounts located in Asia or through other accounts they controlled. They also withdrew a portion of the funds through ATMs in the New York City area.
Today's takedown is the culmination of a year-long investigation conducted by the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, the New York County District Attorney's Office, the FBI, the NYPD, the Department of State Diplomatic Security Service, HSI, and USSS.
Mr. BHARARA thanked all of the law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation for their outstanding work. Mr. BHARARA also thanked Bank of America, TD Bank, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Wachovia, and HSBC Bank for their assistance in the investigation. He added that the investigation is continuing.
The investigation and prosecution of these cases is being overseen by the Office's Complex Frauds Unit, which handles the Office’s cybercrime enforcement efforts. The cases are being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys JOSEPH P. FACCIPONTI, ANDREW BAUER, SARAH LAI, THOMAS G.A. BROWN, and JUSTIN ANDERSON.
The charges contained in the various charging instruments discussed above are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
United States v. Artem Tsygankov, et al. (10 Mag. 2126)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud ARTEM TSYGANKOV, SOFIA DIKOVA, MAXIM PANFEROV, KRISTINA IZVEKOVA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Possess False Identification Documents ARTEM TSYGANKOV, SOFIA DIKOVA, MAXIM PANFEROV, KRISTINA IZVEKOVA 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport MAXIM PANFEROV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
4 False Use of Passport KRISTINA IZVEKOVA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Artem Semenov, et al. (10 Mag. 2154)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud ARTEM SEMENOV ALMIRA RAKHMATULINA JULIA SHPIRKO 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Possess False Identification Documents ARTEM SEMENOV ALMIRA RAKHMATULINA JULIA SHPIRKO 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport ARTEM SEMENOV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
4 False Use of Passport ALMIRA RAKHMATULINA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Maxim Miroshnichenko, et al. (10 Mag. 2141)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud MAXIM MIROSHNICHENKO JULIA SIDORENKO 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Possess False Identification Documents MAXIM MIROSHNICHENKO JULIA SIDORENKO 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport JULIA SIDORENKO 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Marina Oprea (10 Mag. 2142)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud MARINA OPREA CATALINA CORTAC ION VOLOSCIUC LILIAN ADAM 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Possess False Identification Documents MARINA OPREA CATALINA CORTAC ION VOLOSCIUC LILIAN ADAM 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Kristina Svechinskaya, et al. (10 Mag. 2137)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud KRISTINA SVECHINSKAYA, STANISLAV RASTORGUEV 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport KRISTINA SVECHINSKAYA, STANISLAV RASTORGUEV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Margarita Pakhomova (10 Mag. 2136)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendant Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud MARGARITA PAKHOMOVA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport MARGARITA PAKHOMOVA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Ilya Karasev (10 Mag. 2127)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud ILYA KARASEV 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Possess False Identification Documents ILYA KARASEV 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport ILYA KARASEV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Marina Misyura (10 Mag. 2125)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendant Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud MARINA MISYURA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport MARINA MISYURA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Nikolai Garifulin, et al. (10 Mag. 2138)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendant(s) Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud NIKOLAI GARIFULIN, DMITRY SAPRUNOV 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport DMITRY SAPRUNOV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Dorin Codreanu (10 Mag. 2152)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud DORIN CODREANU 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Victoria Opinca, et al. (10 Mag. 2153)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud VICTORIA OPINCA ALINA TURUTA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Alexander Kireev (10 Mag. 1356)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Money Laundering ALEXANDER KIREEV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, or twice the amount laundered; and restitution
United States v. Kasum Adigyuzelov (10 Mag. 1622)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud KASUM ADIGYUZELOV 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Transfer of False Identification Documents KASUM ADIGYUZELOV Five years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Sabina Rafikova (10 Mag. 1623)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Bank Fraud SABINA RAFIKOVA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Production of False Identification Documents SABINA RAFIKOVA 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 Possession of False Immigration Documents SABINA RAFIKOVA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Konstantin Akobirov (10 Mag. 1659)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Bank Fraud KONSTANTIN AKOBIROV 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport KONSTANTIN AKOBIROV 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Adel Gataullin (10 Mag. 1680)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Bank Fraud ADEL GATAULLIN 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Production of False Identification Documents ADEL GATAULLIN 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport ADEL GATAULLIN 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Ruslan Kovtanyuk (10 Mag. 1827)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Bank Fraud RUSLAN KOVTANYUK 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 False Use of Passport RUSLAN KOVTANYUK 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Yulia Klepikova, et al. (10 Mag. 1753)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud YULIA KLEPIKOVA NATALIA DEMINA 30 years in prison; fine of $1,000,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Produce False Identification Documents YULIA KLEPIKOVA NATALIA DEMINA 15 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
3 False Use of Passport YULIA KLEPIKOVA 10 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
United States v. Alexandr Sorokin (10 Cr. 437 (RWS))
Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Money Laundering ALEXANDR SOROKIN 20 years in prison; fine of $500,000 or twice the amount laundered; and restitution
On June 16, 2010, ALEXANDR SOROKIN pled guilty in Manhattan Federal Court to a one-count Information charging him with money laundering. SOROKIN is scheduled to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge ROBERT W. SWEET on October 4, 2010.
United States v. Alexander Fedorov (10 Cr. 873 (KTD))
Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Money Laundering ALEXANDER FEDOROV 20 years in prison; fine of $500,000 or twice the amount laundered; andrestitution
On September 27, 2010, ALEXANDER FEDOROV pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal Court to a one-count Information charging him with money laundering. FEDOROV is scheduled to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge THOMAS K. DUFFY on January 5, 2011.
United States v. Anton Yuferitsyn (10 Cr. 134 (JGK))
Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Money Laundering ANTON YUFERITSYN 20 years in prison; fine of $500,000 or twice the amount laundered; and restitution
On February 19, 2010, ANTON YUFERITSYN pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal Court to a one-count Information charging him with money laundering. On June 25, 2010, U.S. District Judge JOHN G. KOELTL sentenced ANTON YUFERITSYN to a term of imprisonment of 10 months and to pay $38,413 in restitution.
United States v. Jamal Beyrouti et al. (10 Mag. 2134)
Defendant Age

Ct Charge Defendants Maximum Penalties
1 Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud JAMAL BEYROUTI LORENZO BABBO VINCENZO VITELLO 20 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution
2 Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering JAMAL BEYROUTI LORENZO BABBO VINCENZO VITELLO 20 years in prison; fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss; and restitution

- National, International press releases
- New York press release
- Wanted poster

Friday, October 15, 2010

«Русское убийство» в Аризоне

By Yefim Toybin
October 15, 2010 @ 21:22
Просматривая Российский Интернет, я случайно обнаружил статью, которая имеет самое прямое отношение к нашему штату, а главное - к нашему сообществу. Думаю, что многим будет интересно прочитать данную статью и, по-возможности, высказать свое мнение к происшедшему. Выставляю данную статью на своем блоге без изменений и сокращений. Берегие себя и своих близких.
Вторник, 28 Сентября 2010 «Русский» криминал в Америке
Александр Грант

В середине августа из Канады в Аризону доставили русскоязычного иммигранта Михаила Драчева, арестованного канадской Королевской конной полицией в апреле 2007 года. В Аризоне, где 27-летний Драчев жил в пригороде Финикса, его обвиняют в похищении и убийстве 21-летнего Константина Симберга, с которым расправились в декабре 2001 года.

Сбежавший в Канаду Драчев пять раз упоминался в телепрограмме Джона Уолша America's Most Wanted, был арестован в Торонто, после ареста три года сопротивлялся экстрадиции в США, но в итоге оказался в тюрьме аризонского графства Марикопа с правом освобождения под залог в 2 млн долларов. Его сообщники Денис Цуканов и Кристофер Габриэл Эндрюс уже осуждены и отбывают наказание. Вик Тоус, министр общественной безопасности Канады подтвердил, что канадские пограничники передали Драчева властям США. Как заявил представитель городской полиции Финикса сержант Трент Крамп, «мы счастливы видеть завершения таких дел, как это».

20 апреля 2007 года бывший детектив городской полиции Том Бритт, узнав об аресте Михаила Драчева в Канаде, сказал: «Я знал, что этот день наступит». 14 декабря 2001 года детектив Бритт в очередной раз общался по телефону со своим осведомителем Константином Симбергом из местной общины русскоязычных иммигрантов. Речь шла о расследовании плана нападения на грузовик почтовой компании Federal Express, который доставлял 6 тысяч ампул лекарственного препарата «сайзена» гормона роста.

Партия гормона «сайзен» принадлежала расположенной в Финиксе компании Peak Physique, и в подготовке плана налета подозревали основателя этой компании Троя Лэнгдога, который якобы собирался получить страховку за отнятый грабителями товар и хорошо заработать на его продаже культуристам. К этому плану Лэнгдон и его партнер Шон Саутленд привлекли «русских» иммигрантов Ольгу Веденееву, Константина Симберга и его двоюродного брата Сергея Гука. 24 сентября 2001 года заговорщики подъехали к грузовику, в кузове которого лежали 18 коробок с ампулами HGH, и Симберг по-хорошему предложил водителю за плату принять участие в инсценировке грабежа. Водитель отказался, а на настоящий грабеж Симберг не решился.

Груз прибыл по назначению, и через неделю Лэнгдон и Саутленд инсценировали ночную кражу из принадлежавшей им аптеки Cactus Pharmacy, откуда якобы унесли все те же 18 коробок с ампулами гормона. Расследование проводил детектив Том Бритт, который завербовал Константина Симберга в осведомители и довел дело до ареста остальных. 14 декабря 2002 года Бритт беседовал с Симбергом по телефону и внезапно услышал глухой удар и стон, после чего наступила тишина. Как выяснилось позже, в этот момент Симберга вырубили ударом кастета по голове.

Естественно было предположить, что сообщники решили убрать стукача, который наверняка стал бы свидетелем обвинения в суде. Однако все оказалось не так, и Симберга оглушили, похитили и убили совсем другие люди совсем по другой причине. В книге журналиста Ивена Райта «Hella Nation» (что можно перевести, как «Чертова страна») обстоятельствам жизни и смерти Константина Симберга посвящена целая глава «Плохой американец». В 2004 году книжное обозрение New York Times включило «Чертову страну» в список бестселлеров. Постоянный автор журнала Vanity Fair Райт написал, что семья Симбергов иммигрировала в США весной 2000 года и поселилась в Финиксе, где уже жили их родственники.

Гуляя в ночных клубах Финикса, 20-летний Константин Симберг сошелся с 18-летним старшеклассником Мишей Драчевым и студентом-перво-курсником Кристофером Эндрюсом, а также с 20-летним Денисом Цукановым, которого родители привезли в Аризону из Эстонии 10 лет назад. Костя завел себе «русскую» подругу, 20-летнюю зеленоглазую блондинку Ксюшу Выборнову, приехавшую в США совсем недавно. Отец Симберга купил Константину подержанный Chevrolet Camaro, который и стал причиной трагедии. Симбергу понадобились деньги на авиабилет в Россию, и он решил продать машину Драчеву. 14 декабря 2001 года четверо приятелей собрались в квартире, которую снимали Эндрюс и Драчев, чтобы поехать в банк за деньгами. По пути Симберг передумал или возникло иное недоразумение, но, судя по материалам расследования, Эндрюс, Драчев и Цуканов решили с ним расправиться и заманили его назад в квартиру, откуда он якобы успел позвонить подруге Ксюше и детективу Тому Бритту.

Том Бритт заявил, что его телефонную беседу с Симбергом прервал «звук удара и стон», после чего наступило молчание. Эти версии исключают одна другую, но детективу полиции веришь больше, чем грудастой русской стриптизерше. Том Бритт услышал, как его осведомителя ударили по голове, но не увидел, как оглушенного Симберга связали скотчем и почти на сутки заперли в туалете. Свидетели видели, как днем 15 декабря Эндрюс, Драчев и Цуканов вывели связанного и окровавленного Симберга на улицу, усадили в Chevy Camaro и уехали. Затем началось то, о чем рассказал после ареста Денис Цуканов, согласившийся дать показания против Эндрюса, который не признавал себя виновным. По его словам, Косте Симбергу сказали, что его отвезут к границе с Мексикой и там бросят. Машина проехала 37 миль на север и остановилась в хвойном лесу.

Там кто-то из трех похитителей достал купленный накануне пистолет Tech-9, который «русские» преступники полюбили за устрашающий вид и обоймы вместимостью до 50 патронов. Симберга попытались застрелить, но выстрела не получилось, и тогда, как красочно изложил в своей книге Ивен Райт, его стали резать охотничьим ножом. Хотели перерезать горло, но Костя сопротивлялся, ему порезали подбородок и воткнули нож в спину, пробив легкое, что позже было признано смертельным ранением. Он упал, его уложили в овраг, облили бензином, завалили камнями и подожгли, после чего Драчев, Цуканов и Эндрюс уехали. Огонь пережег скотч, которым был связан Симберг, и тот сумел выбраться из своего крематория и проползти метров сто до ручья, где потерял сознание и умер. Сильно обгоревший труп Константина вскоре нашли два местных охотника.

Его убийц быстро установили. Через девять дней полиция Финикса получила ордер на обыск квартиры Кристофера Эндрюса и Михаила Драчева, где нашли следы крови Симберга, кастет, банковские документы. Эндрюса и Цуканова арестовали, а Драчеву удалось скрыться. Денис Цуканов пошел на компромисс с прокуратурой, согласившись стать свидетелем обвинения и получить за это от 10 до 22 лет тюрьмы. Крис Эдвардс доверил свою жизнь присяжным Верховного суда штата Аризона в Финиксе, и слушания по его делу, откладываясь по разным причинам раз десять, начались в сентябре 2003 года. Эдвардс был признан виновным и приговорен к пожизненному лишению свободы.

А Михаил Драчев сбежал из США в Канаду, где скрывался пять лет под другой фамилией. В Оттаве он познакомился с россиянкой, имя которой умалчивается, молодые люди полюбили друг друга, переехали в Торонто и жили в районе Рексдейл душа в душу до апреля 2007 года, когда решили узаконить свои отношения. Михаил честно назвал будущей жене свою настоящую фамилию, и та из женского любопытства «прокачала» эту фамилию в Интернете. На сайте телешоу America's Most Wanted она увидела, что ее любимый уже пять лет в розыске по подозрению в убийстве, и смирилась с этим. Однако через пару недель молодые поругались, и 20 апреля невеста Миши сдала его властям. Как сообщил тогда представитель полиции Торонто штаб-сержант Пол Макинтайр, «она пришла в один из наших участков на западе города и сказала, что, кажется, живет с человеком, который упомянут в программе America's Most Wanted».

В тот же день Михаила Драчева арестовали, хотя он пытался бежать из своей квартиры на 20 этаже по веревке. И вот недавно Драчева экстрадировали в Финикс для суда, где свидетелем обвинения снова выступит его бывший приятель Денис Цуканов. По имеющимся судебным материалам, Драчева считают «паровозом», то есть вожаком группы похитителей, который настаивал на убийстве Симберга.

Русское убийство в Аризоне

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Операция спасения шахтеров в Чили завершена

By Yefim Toybin
October 14, 2010 @ 20:35

От лица Русской Аризоны поздравляю всех спасенных чилийских горняков с завершением успешной и уникальной по своим масштабам спасательной операции.
Также поздравляю весь чилийский народ и его правительство, которые ни на секунду не прекращали бороться за жизнь своих соотечественников и не потеряли веру в успешное завершение спасательной операции.

Чилийские спасатели подняли на поверхность последнего из 33 шахтеров, проведших под землей на глубине 622 метров более двух месяцев, сообщила британская телерадиокорпорация BBC.

Спасательная операция продвигалась быстрее, чем предполагали специалисты, и к концу дня (по чилийскому времени) из шахты извлекли всех горняков.

Сквозь узкую скважину их поднимали при помощи специальной капсулы, разработанной инженерами чилийского военно-морского флота и специалистами горнодобывающей промышленности. В создании капсулы также принимали активное участие эксперты управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства — НАСА.

Спасенных горняков лично приветствовал президент Чили Себастьян Пиньера. Поддержать шахтеров и их родных приехал и его боливийский коллега Эво Моралес.

Источник: мировая пресса

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Цирк уехал, воспоминания остались.

By Yefim Toybin
October 13, 2010 @ 20:56

Я решил дописать несколько строк, к уже опубликованной ранее статье, после посещения, по-истине, уникального, фантастического и незабываемого театрально-циркового представления 9 Октября. Настоящий русский цикрк в Аризоне. Это настоящая сенсация.
Высокое мастерство, природный талант, искрометный юмор, сложнейшие трюки артистов и классное, высоко-профессиональное выступление наших четвероногих братьев и сестер просто покорили местную публику, которая наградила большую и дружную труппу во главе с Григорием Попович теплым приемом, зрительской любовью и бурными аплодисментами.
Григорий – профессиональный цирковой артист в четвертом поколении поставил удиветельную и очень сложную программу, в которой принимают активное участие много настоящих, преданных и верных друзей – кошки и собаки. Он всех их нашел либо на улице либо в питомнике, как он сам сказал, в 25 разных странах мира. Весь яркий и красочный спектакль проходил под популярную и не забываемую советскую и российскую музыку. Как только раздались первые аккорды Подмосковных вечеров, зал сразу дружно захлопал в ладоши.
Об одном пришлось сожалеть, что очень мало было на шоу русско-язычного населения Аризоны. Ведь к нам знаменитые артисты мирового класса, преумножающие славные традиции истинного искусства и прославляющие великую культуру не так часто приезжают.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Arizona Russian Information Center: Мы помним Джона Леннона

Arizona Russian Information Center: Мы помним Джона Леннона: "9 октября люди во всем мире отметили 70-летие Джона Леннона. В Лос-Анджелесе поклонники Леннона собрались у здания звукозаписывающей ком..."

Мы помним Джона Леннона

9 октября люди во всем мире отметили 70-летие Джона Леннона. В Лос-Анджелесе поклонники Леннона собрались у здания звукозаписывающей компании «Capitol Record» у его звезды на Аллее Славы. Джон Леннон не боялся стареть, сколько раз он пел своей жене Йоко Оно, что хочет «состариться вместе с ней». Однако у судьбы были другие планы – Джон Леннон погиб от руки сумасшедшего фаната 8 декабря 1980 года.

На первом снимке: Люди отдают дань памяти Джону Леннону на мемориале «Strawberry Fields» в Центральном парке, недалеко от места, где был убит музыкант.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Russian president fetes Schwarzenegger in Moscow

California Governor rode the Moscow metro today.

By Sergei L. Loiko, Los Angeles Times
October 12, 2010

Reporting from Skolkovo, Russia —
Calling his host "a great visionary," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger heaped praise Monday on Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and urged new economic partnerships with Soviet, er, Russian, businessmen during a visit to a western suburb of Moscow that is slated to become a Silicon Valley-style innovation hub.

With 23 potential American investors in tow, Schwarzenegger is visiting Moscow at the invitation of Medvedev, who toured the United States in June. Medvedev, in a black leather jacket, drove the gray-suited Schwarzenegger to the largely barren site in a rare Soviet-era ivory-colored Chaika sedan.

Medvedev "has very clear visions where Russia should go and how to diversify its economy," Schwarzenegger said in remarks at a round-table meeting with Russian venture businessmen, held in the only building on the planned industrial complex.
The governor then drew chuckles as he looked away from his notes and proceeded to say that he hopes "that our business leaders are going to find great partnerships with the Soviet counterparts."

After the laughter subsided, Schwarzenegger explained that he had been to Russia many times but that those trips were back in the days when Moscow was still the capital of the Soviet Union.

Skolkovo Innovation Center is a pet project of Medvedev, whose government intends to spend $5.6 billion over the next few years to help stimulate technological breakthroughs in space, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and other fields.

"We count very much that our cooperation will yield good fruits," the president said at the round-table.

But not all here are as optimistic about the future, or about a Western role in stimulating high-tech commerce, despite the presence of executives from such giants as Google and Intel. Indeed, some observers predicted that nothing would come of the visit, which they consider a public relations gimmick to promote the project in Russia.

"I can understand that the Kremlin needs Schwarzenegger to attach weight and beauty to this project," said Irina Yasina, a senior researcher at the Institute of Transition Period Economy, in an interview with The Times. "I don't understand why Schwarzenegger wants to take part in it unless he regards it just as an exotic excursion he might as well enjoy."

The issue of technological innovation is of crucial importance to Medvedev and his hold on power and one in which he stands out from his mentor-turned-rival, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Medvedev's modernization effort is seen by many analysts as his likely ticket to another term in office.

His plan would turn Russia from a raw-materials supplier of the West into a technological superpower that could export far more sophisticated products than gas and oil. And a former Hollywood action hero might come in handy to promote his ideas.

The charismatic Putin, on the other hand, has a simpler plan that can be boiled down to one short slogan: Make me president and you won't be sorry. In essence, Putin himself is the action hero.

Putin was president for eight years and, barred from serving a third consecutive term, picked Medvedev as his successor. Some think he may again seek the office in 2012.

Many here love Putin for such blunt promises as the one in 1999 "to flush terrorists down the toilet," as well as for throwing the biggest of the Russian oligarchs, Mikhail Khodorkovsky in prison, slashing income taxes, and publicly embracing victims of this summer's wildfires. He flies planes, drives Russian cars to promote the auto industry, rides with bikers to be closer to the people. He doesn't need a plan. His plan is himself.

In the sessions Monday, Schwarzenegger appeared to have an affinity for the Medvedev model.

"One thing I know for sure," he told reporters after the round-table. "To create a Silicon Valley here in Moscow is much, much, much better than not creating one."

Medvedev returned the love.

His regret, he said with a smile, is that he cannot name Schwarzenegger to the vacant position of mayor of Moscow, because the governor does not have Russian citizenship.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ABBA MANIA in Arizona. ABBA MANIA в Аризоне.

by Yefim Toybin Легендарная, шведская вокально-музыкальная группа АББА на протяжении многих лет являлась одной из самых любимых, почитаемых и слушаемых в СССР и, после распада Союза в 1991 году, в странах СНГ. Теперь, у русско-язычных жителей Аризоны, появилась великолепная возможность прикоснуться к великому творчеству легендарного ансамбля. Не упустите возможность насладиться всем великолепием музыкального и вокального наследия АББА и сходите на концерт ABBA MANIA.

Chandler Center for the Arts 250 North Arizona Avenue • Chandler, AZ 85225
Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 8pm
Tickets: $28, $34 and $38

Abba Mania’ has been delighting audiences of all ages since 1999, touring the world in its quest to bring the music of the Swedish super group to their millions of fans, old and new! In 2002 ‘Abba Mania’ played 18 weeks in the Strand Theatre, London re-creating the ABBA phenomenon for fans from all over the world, as far away as Tahiti. ABBA’s timeless songs were written to be enjoyed live and ‘Abba Mania’ gives you exactly that: 2 hours of uplifting, dance-inducing and sometimes heart-breaking songs, fully live with fantastic staging, lighting and effects. The show recreates ABBA’s sound not only perfectly, but respectfully, too, earning them the coveted Radio Regernbogen Best Musical’ award in Germany following a sell-out run at the Deutsches Theater Munich. ‘Abba Mania’ is not only for life long, die-hard ABBA fans but also for the new generation of fans, who never had the opportunity to see ABBA live.