Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Breaking News: Arizona governor vetoes bill allowing guns in state buildings. В Аризоне запретили приносить оружие в государственные и правительственные учреждения.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Tuesday vetoed a controversial bill that would have allowed people to tote guns into state government buildings that previously had been off-limits.

By David Schwartz

PHOENIX | Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:00pm EDT

(Reuters) - For the second consecutive year, Brewer rejected the measure backed by gun rights advocates to allow guns in public buildings, except where security personnel were posted at the entrances and metal detectors or X-ray machines were present.

Under current Arizona law, state authorities can ban guns from being carried into public buildings such as libraries, senior centers and city halls by posting a sign at their entrances.

The Republican governor said a "more thorough and collaborative discussion" is needed before such legislation could be signed into law.

"The decision to permit or prohibit guns in these extremely sensitive locations ... should be cooperatively reached and supported by a large coalition of stakeholders," said Brewer, in her veto message.

Arizona would have become the 10th state in the nation to pass such legislation, according to several news reports.

Charles Heller, co-founder and spokesman of Arizona Citizens Defense League, said the group "expected better from someone who was rumored to be an ally of freedom."

"We wish she would show more respect for Arizona's constitutional provision about the right to keep and bear arms," he told Reuters, moments after learning of the veto.

But opponents of the bill called the veto a "common sense approach" to the often explosive issues surrounding guns in public places.

"We need multiple conversations with all the parties," said Dale Wiebusch, legislative associate for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns. "We need to be able to sit down and hash things out. That's the only way we are going to come up with answers," he added.

In her veto message, Brewer also said she was concerned that governments would be forced to bear the financial costs of providing for security measures to restrict guns being brought into public buildings.

Maricopa County, the state's largest, estimated that it alone would have to spend $11.3 million for equipment and $19.5 million annually.


Jan Brewer's letter to the Speaker of the Arizona House of representatives Andy Tobin

Русская версия

Губернатор Аризоны Джен Брюэр (Jan Brewer) наложила вето на законопроект, который позволил бы проносить оружие в государственные и правительственные учреждения, в том числе в библиотеки. Соответствующее обращение Брюэр к спикеру Палаты представителей штата Энди Тобину (Andy Tobin) размещено на сайте губернатора.

Как поясняется в публикации Reuters, законопроект (HOUSE BILL 2729)  предусматривал, что оружие можно будет проносить в здания, в которых нет рамок металлоискателей или просвечивающих аппаратов, а также охраны. В настоящее время в Аризоне для запрета проноса оружия в общественные здания достаточно поместить у входа соответствующее предупреждение. Сторонники отклоненного губернатором законопроекта полагают, что нынешняя ситуация ставит законопослушных жителей штата и преступников в неравное положение - преступник может пронести оружие, а законопослушный американец - нет. Новый закон, обеспечив надлежащую проверку при входе в здание, поставил бы всех посетителей в равное положение.

В своем обращении Брюэр подчеркнула, что оснащение всех общественных зданий необходимым оборудованием будет стоить слишком дорого. По ее мнению, предложенный документ нуждается в доработке.

На похожий законопроект губернатор уже накладывала вето в 2011 году. Согласно данным, которые приводит Reuters, Аризона могла стать десятым штатом, где действует такой закон.

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