The Russian news magazine "Echo News Week" provides "legitimacy" for ARC and, thus, facilitates unlawful collection of donations/money from the local businesses...
Yefim Toybin
November 1, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
edited on 11/29/11
Please note: some other their organizations have come to life in exactly same way.
They can and probably will try to physically KILL me or put behind the bars by framing me up ( they have a good experience of doing this) but will not to take away my right to the Freedom of Speech.
Doctor of Medicine, Director of the Board of Directors, Director of international cultural relations with Russia, General Manager, Social worker, Marketing specialist, an Expert on: domestic violence, culture and education, immigration issues, harassment, and etc.
DOCUMENT 1. (Administrative closing of the Arizona Russian Center - Non-Profit, Charitable organization)
Link to the page -
DOCUMENT 2. Administrative and management staff of the Arizona Russian Center:
(I seriously doubt that all these people are aware of the fact that they are Board members)
Chairman of the Board of Directors - Artt Smasch;
Director of the Board of Directors - Terry Tchernoivanov;
Director of the Board of Directors - Olga Chaikheeva.
Secretary of the ARC - Helen Viator;
Economist ARC - Natalie Garnovskii;
ARC Treasurer - Director Loshkareva.
Director of International Cultural Relations with Russia - Olga Chaikheeva;
Director of Cultural Division - Terry Tchernoivanov;
Chief Director of Children's Musical Theater - Gennady Alexandrov;
Director, Division of Health and social welfare - Nona Samson;
Director of Marketing and Advertising - Andrei Conovaloff;
Director, Division of Spec. Projects - Artt Smasch;
Link to the page-
... and from the Arizona Corporation Commission site:
Link to the page -
DOCUMENT 3. Aadvertizements posted on "Echo of the Week" site
PS Please Note the phone number for Arizona Russian Center and Shield Foundation are the same because they are run de-facto by same people.
Link to the page -
This is all for today. Please, take a good care of yourself and be safe.
Below, is just the information for thinking.
Yefim Toybin
November 1, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
edited on 11/29/11
Newly posted article on December 5th, 2011 @ 18:20
November 04, 2011
Breaking news: The publisher of the Russian news magazine "Echo News Week" keeps providing public, informational support to the Arizona Russian Center, and facilitating unlawful collection, as a "charitable corporation", of donations-money from the Russian and other local businesses despite of the fact that I had notified him via-email and a link regarding the dissolving of the RCA had also been send to his business e-mail address.
In May of 2011 the Arizona Corporation Commission administratively dissolved and put out of business the Arizona Russian Center (ARC) - a NON-PROFIT, CHARITABLE CORPORATION.
Ms. Olga Chaikheeva and Artt Smasch FRAUDULENTLY reinstated (highjacked) one of the earlier admin. dissolved corporations, changed the name and purpose but kept the tax-exempt status of the former well established corporation.
Being administratively dissolved means the corporation involuntarily gives up its right to do business in Arizona as a corporation.
Breaking news: The publisher of the Russian news magazine "Echo News Week" keeps providing public, informational support to the Arizona Russian Center, and facilitating unlawful collection, as a "charitable corporation", of donations-money from the Russian and other local businesses despite of the fact that I had notified him via-email and a link regarding the dissolving of the RCA had also been send to his business e-mail address.
In May of 2011 the Arizona Corporation Commission administratively dissolved and put out of business the Arizona Russian Center (ARC) - a NON-PROFIT, CHARITABLE CORPORATION.
Ms. Olga Chaikheeva and Artt Smasch FRAUDULENTLY reinstated (highjacked) one of the earlier admin. dissolved corporations, changed the name and purpose but kept the tax-exempt status of the former well established corporation.
Being administratively dissolved means the corporation involuntarily gives up its right to do business in Arizona as a corporation.
Please note: some other their organizations have come to life in exactly same way.
For almost more than a year they had kept a very low profile and then, suddenly, have come out of the darkness and accelerated their business by being very visible and noisy. They know they cannot conduct business legally; they want to do it, it’s their decision to do so.
The problem is that many people and organizations don’t know or don’t believe that the Arizona Russian Center can’t do its business legally. As illegally operating non-profit charitable corporation, they are soliciting donations and money from local businesses.
Unfortunately, there are people and businesses who knowingly support and protect the leadership and the structure of the ARC – entity that is fraudulently and unlawfully conducting its operations not just in the USA, in the Russian Federation as well.
Knowing the truth, people could make up their minds whether to give money or not to ARC, protect or not protect them, be or not be their sponsor, provide or not provide public and informational support to them.
On the other hand, there are “free” Russian newspapers like Echo News Week (published in San Diego, California) that do business with the dissolved organization; I am wondering if money or other financial and other incentives have been involved. Letting the ARC publish their own articles and adds in the newspaper, the “free” news magazine Echo News Week is a demonstration of public support and facilitating of collecting of unlawful donations by the Arizona Russian Center from local businesses and people.
There is also a website called the Arizona Russian News run by Andy (Andrew, Andrei) Conovaloff ( a volunteer!? for ARC and Shield Foundation) that provides a lot of public support to Ms. Olga Chaikheeva, her partners and organizations, especially scandalously known – Shield Foundation. The site looks like a professionally run news agency. It really looks very good but It is not a news organization; it is a personal site opened and run by Mr. Andy. It is a well managed website but... it has been often used to slender, harass, abuse and Cyber-bullying people like whose only guilt is - telling the truth to the people and communities about people named above and their "best practices." He publishes (perhaps writes for some pay or benefits) anonymously written FALSE and Slanderous articles. Despite of the fact that character defaming postings contain a lot of personal info on other people, Mr. "Arizona Russian News" doesn’t even provide his last name on the front page. Please, try to think, why?
I, for instance, don't hide my name because I am a clean person and proud of my name and my contributions to our communities.
These people have worked very hard to destroy me and my character by:
I, for instance, don't hide my name because I am a clean person and proud of my name and my contributions to our communities.
These people have worked very hard to destroy me and my character by:
- Unsuccessfully suing me several times,
- Intimidating me by posting abusive and slanderous articles,
- Threatening me by filing false police report connecting me to the "burglary" of their office (they still almost 4 years after, submitted no list of items stolen from the office!?),
- Attempting to create problems at work by sending police to school I work at,
- Spreading rumors and gossips among the Russian-speaking people that I fight all the Russians in AZ because I "have a grudge against the Shield Foundation" and more...
They can and probably will try to physically KILL me or put behind the bars by framing me up ( they have a good experience of doing this) but will not to take away my right to the Freedom of Speech.
The main purpose of this and other articles is to educate, inform, and enlighten people by presenting accurate, creditable, and reliable information on con-artists in our community based on true facts and legal documents.
I am giving no advice to any one. However, I am making a strong statement that I will continue bringing up to the public eye people, organizations, businesses directly and/or indirectly associated with the ARC, its leadership and many other organizations opened by same people using third party names or even fictitious names of people who may not even exist.
There is a wise, old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
That’s why I am adding to the article a few important documents that speak for themselves.
Don’t be too naive and trustworthy, Be Knowledgeable and Smart.
Doctor of Medicine, Director of the Board of Directors, Director of international cultural relations with Russia, General Manager, Social worker, Marketing specialist, an Expert on: domestic violence, culture and education, immigration issues, harassment, and etc.
DOCUMENT 1. (Administrative closing of the Arizona Russian Center - Non-Profit, Charitable organization)
Corporate Inquiry | |
File Number: -1006424-7 AD-DISSOLVED - OTHER 05/16/2011 | |
Domestic Address |
STE C 102-121 |
PHOENIX, AZ 85029-5212 |
Statutory Agent Information |
Agent Mailing/Physical Address: |
3039 W PEORIA AVE STE C102 |
PHOENIX, AZ 85029-5212 |
Agent Status: APPOINTED 12/12/2008 |
Agent Last Updated: 12/30/2008 |
Additional Corporate Information | |
Corporation Type: NON-PROFIT | Business Type: CHARITABLE |
Incorporation Date: 10/22/2001 | Corporate Life Period: PERPETUAL |
Domicile: ARIZONA | County: MARICOPA |
Approval Date: 10/22/2001 | Original Publish Date: 12/19/2001 |
Status: AD-DISSOLVED - OTHER | Status Date: 05/16/2011 |
Link to the page -
DOCUMENT 2. Administrative and management staff of the Arizona Russian Center:
(I seriously doubt that all these people are aware of the fact that they are Board members)
Chairman of the Board of Directors - Artt Smasch;
Director of the Board of Directors - Terry Tchernoivanov;
Director of the Board of Directors - Olga Chaikheeva.
Secretary of the ARC - Helen Viator;
Economist ARC - Natalie Garnovskii;
ARC Treasurer - Director Loshkareva.
Director of International Cultural Relations with Russia - Olga Chaikheeva;
Director of Cultural Division - Terry Tchernoivanov;
Chief Director of Children's Musical Theater - Gennady Alexandrov;
Director, Division of Health and social welfare - Nona Samson;
Director of Marketing and Advertising - Andrei Conovaloff;
Director, Division of Spec. Projects - Artt Smasch;
Link to the page-
... and from the Arizona Corporation Commission site:
Officer Information | |
GUENE LOSHKAREV TREASURER 3039 W. PEORIA AVE C 102 PHOENIX,AZ 85029-5212 Date of Taking Office: 12/19/2007 Last Updated: 07/21/2010 | OLGA CHAIKHEEVA VICE-PRESIDENT 3039 W. PEORIA AVE C 102 PHOENIX,AZ 85029-5212 Date of Taking Office: 12/19/2007 Last Updated: 07/21/2010 |
Director Information | |
OLGA CHAIKHEEVA DIRECTOR 3039 W. PEORIA AVE C 102 PHOENIX,AZ 85029-5212 Date of Taking Office: 12/19/2007 Last Updated: 07/21/2010 | |
Link to the page -
DOCUMENT 3. Aadvertizements posted on "Echo of the Week" site
PS Please Note the phone number for Arizona Russian Center and Shield Foundation are the same because they are run de-facto by same people.
AZRussian Русские встречи, праздники и экскурсии. Русские культурные мероприятия, выставки, конкурсы, классы. tel:(602) 368-4541 (602) 432-6268 (mobile) 4212 West Cactus Rd., STE 1110 Phoenix, AZ 85029 | Русский Центр Аризоны предлагает всем русскоговорящим жителям Аризоны присоединяться к нам для создания нашего Дома Культуры, нашей Русской ... |
AZRussian Russian events, holidays and trips. Russians cultural festivals, art shows, contests, classes tel:(602) 368-4541 (602) 432-6268 (mobile) 4212 W.Cactus Road #11110 Phoenix, AZ 85029 | Joing us for holidays, russian classes, help to russian speaking - new residents of our state of Arizona. Together we can create our Russian House of ... |
SHIELD Assistance to victims of domestic violence and or domestic abuse, Russians in Arizona. tel:(602) 203-4357 (602) 432-6268 (mobile) 5555 N 7ht Street # 153 Phoenix, AZ 85014 | Assistance of all types to Russian speaking residents of the State of Arizona, children, and elderly, persons in need of state benefits, and ... |
This is all for today. Please, take a good care of yourself and be safe.
Below, is just the information for thinking.
Investigation (Детективы)!!!???
More about Arizona Russian Center @
Совершенно не секретно: творческий союз скандального Русского Центра Аризоны и бесплатной газеты из Сан Диего "Эхо Недели" и что на самом деле их объединяет.
plus more about the Director of ARC being involved in the immigration scam on the "
"Voice of American Immigration Fraud Victims" @
"Russian Women Discussion. com" @
Sensational court order in Texas: A judge ordered the public humiliation as part of Mireles' sentence. Семейная пара из Техаса приговорена к наказанию позором за воровство и мошенничество.
Good job keep it up ..
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